
She Closed The Door

She Closed The Door (1931), Eliot’s first and only novel, tells the story of Victor Marsh, a handsome and urban young man who sets out to attract Alice Andrews, a delightful and rural young lady. Hodgkin designed his own dust-cover.

Fashion Drawing

Fashion Drawing (1932) Eliot discusses technique, commission, execution and reproduction of the early 20th century fashion drawing. The book includes thirty-four illustrations of leading names in fashion at the time plus another ten, by Eliot.

55 London Views

55 London Views (1948). Hodgkin was invited to select illustrations for this slender paperback from London’s famous sites. It includes views from 10 Downing Street to the Penguins’ Pool at the Zoo, from Tower Bridge to the Royal Albert Hall.

A Pictorial Gospel

A Pictorial Gospel (1949) was Eliot’s last book. “It brings together two things which are complementary, but which never have been combined with such completeness, the Gospel story and the works of art in which the old master sought to illustrate it, my intention being that each should thereby gain fresh meaning and interest”.